Original Resolution: 160x250
Hotel Transylvania Pancitodeestrellas Wattpad 8.2k reads 162 votes 3 part story.
288x450 - 9,314,654 likes · 1,136 talking about this.
Original Resolution: 288x450
Hoteltransylvania Stories Wattpad Musicals dracula's pov after my dad finally accepted that the hotel was not only for monsters anymore, we wanted to have a real party for denisovitch.
179x281 - One weekend that was special, dracula has invited all his friends to observe his beloved daughter mavis's 118th birthday.
Original Resolution: 179x281
Disney One Shots Male Mavis X Reader Wattpad Hotel transylvania 3 (2018) îl urmărește pe dracula în timp ce se află pe o navă de croazieră cu familia sa, unde se îndrăgostește de o descendentă a vânătorului de monștri, van helsing.